BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:STARS Symposium UID:2582 DESCRIPTION:STARS Symposium would like to offer 5 x free places to VS candidates to attend the STARS Symposium on 8 July.  These places are offered on a first come, first served basis.  Members who wish to gain a free place go to the website and register, they will find a drop down menu which will list VS and once this is selected we will reimburse their £75.00 post-event. \n\nAll delegates will need to pay the registration fee of £75.00 and once they have attended the event, we will reimburse the payment on the Monday 11 July.\n\nSTARS offers a unique opportunity to engage with a selected national and international faculty discussing and debating critical issues in vascular and endovascular surgery.\n\nSTARS will continue to be an informal and interactive forum to exchange expertise and knowledge between attendees and key opinion leaders. Taking place in the newly renovated County Hall in central London, STARS also offers an excellent opportunity for networking and exposure to the newest technologies and recent developments in the field of complex vascular interventions.\n\n DTSTART:20220708T154500Z DTEND:20220708T154500Z LOCATION:County Hall, Central London END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR